Grade 8. Information Technology

Concept of Information Technology:
Information Technology (IT) is the use of computers or telecommunication system to store, retrieve(regain), transmit, and manipulate(control) data or information.  In the past people have to meet directly to exchange the information related to business or anything. but nowadays IT has truly changed the way business is done. One can share information from any corner of the world using technology. it is believed that the us of IT has started after 1978 AD.
The components of IT are:
1. Multimedia
2. Internet
3. Code of conduct for Information Technology use.

1. Multimedia:
Multimedia is the combination of text, graphic, sound, animation, video, etc. that is delivered by electronic means. It can be use in advertising, education, business, art, designing, entertainment, research, etc. It is also means of attracting people.
Importance of Multimedia:
Business:                                                                               Education:
1. sales/Marketing presentation                                            Copy from the Book
2. Training
3. Trade show

2. Internet:
  Internet is the world widely connected largest network to exchange the data, information etc. it is also called network of networks. it was invented by Vinton Cerf.internet has converted whole world into a one small global village. 

Key terms in internet:
1. Internet Browser
2. Website
3. Internet Service Provider

1.Internet Browser: It is a software that helps to surf the internet. e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox, etc

2. Website: It is a collection of related web pages. e.g.

3. Internet Service Provider: It is a company that provides internet to the customer. e.g. NTC, Ncell, Worldlink, Subisu etc.

Services of Internet:
i. Information:
   Internet provides the various sources of information which is very crucial in the field of education, business, entertainment, health,  etc. Google is one of the famous search engine for information.

ii. Communication:
 Internet helps people to connect each-other in a cheap and easier way. some of the major means of communication are:
1. email
2. Video Mail
3. Instant Messaging

iii. Data transfer:
Internet facilitates to transfer the data in a easier way. it includes both downloading and uploading.

iv. Social Network:
Internet facilitates social network where people get together to share idea, picture, make new friend, etc.

v. E-commerce:
 Internet has also change the way of business through Electronic commerce, where people can easily buy and sell goods using internet such as :,

Code of conduct for information technology:
It refers to the set of rules that outlines the proper use of information technology. With the increase of people in the use of IT , it is necessary to control the negative impacts in society that's why code of conduct for IT is introduced.
The major code of conduct for IT are:
1. It prohibits to use IT to harms the social, cultural and religious part.
2. Whoever publishes any post that spreads hate will be punished.
3. It is unethical to use other's email.
4.  Information that can have a negative impact to country's security cannot be showcased.
5. Hacking is illegal.

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