Grade 7 Cow and buffalo farming

Cow and Buffalo farming

Cow and buffalo are mainly reared for dairy products, manure, fuel and for pulling cart also. Moreover, buffaloes are reared for meat and other food stuffs while cow is known as national animal worshiped as goddess. With the rise in demand for milk related products and meat(buffalo), cow and buffalo farming is slowly turning into a commercial entity.

Feed Management:

Feed refers to the grass, leaves, hay, straw, grains etc so feed management means balanced feed that are essential to proper growth of cow and buffaloes. It contain a proper mix of of carbohydrate, proteins, vitamin, fat, minerals, water, etc.

Feed management can be different based on varies life cycle stages of cow and buffalo such as
1. Feed management for calves
2. Feed management for pregnant.
3. Feed management for lactating.
4. For dry cows and buffaloes.
5. For bulls and working buffaloes

Types of feed

Roughage: They are feeds which are bulky and low in energy giving.
Concentrates: They are feeds which are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, etc.

Pasture Conservation:

Pasture Conservation refers to the develop and protection of land consists of grass and other vegetation taken as food by grazing animals. Depending upon the geographical topology one can easily work on naturally developed pasture or create a new pasture and manage them. It is important because it provides most natural diet for cow and buffalo. One must properly monitor both the pasture area and cattle because they can eat unwanted things while grazing.

1. It provides the nutrients directly to cow and buffalo.
2. It maintains natural eating behavior.
3. It provides scope for proper sunlight to the animals.
4. It is also important in environmental conservation.
5. It minimizes the cost of expensive feed.

Characteristics of Quality Pasture:
1. It should be covered densely with grass and other vegetation.
2. It should be diverse in nature.
3. It should be free from weed and poisonous vegetation.
4. There should be proper management of water.

5. It should be free from wastage materials.

Breeding management

Breeding refers to the process related to production of offspring in animals.
The major attributes(features) are:
1. Stability in milk production
2. Fertility rate
3. Immunity
4. Physical structure

Breeding in general is divided into two halves
1. In–breeding
2. Out–breeding

           In-breeding is the process of reproduction from mating the pairs of related cow or buffalo.
                       i. Close in-breeding: Reproduction from mating the pairs who are in blood relation.
                       ii. Line in-breeding: Reproduction from mating the pairs who are not in blood relation.
        Out-breeding is the process of reproduction from mating the pairs of unrelated cow or buffalo.

Important information related to breeding of cow/Buffalo
Adult age
6-16 months
24-40 months
Ready for reproduction
18-22 months
36-42 months
Difference between Estrus and Proestrus(sexual receptivity )
18-21 days
20-24 days
Estrus (sexual excitement)
12-18 hours
30-36 hours

Diseases in cow/buffalo

Black Quarter (Bhyagute disease)

    This disease is also known as Black-leg or farrya. it caused due to soil-borne infection. this disease is transmitted through feed and wound infection.
1. High Fever (106-108 F)                      4. loss of appetite भाेक (hunger)
2. Rapid heart rate and pulse                   5. Swelling सुनिनु
3. Dullness सुस्ती

1. Penicillin antibiotics                               3. Vaccination       
2. Medicine of sulphur drug group                   


When buffalo is bitten by infected animal like dog, jackal, cat, etc. rabies occurs.
1. Low fever
2. Difficult while swallowing
3. drooping of saliva
4. Pain at the side of bite
  Anti-rabies vaccination


  It is another major disease that affects animal's legs.


1. Fever (104-106 F ) 
2. Lame
3. Swelling in thigh


Penicillin injection 

 Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)

This disease is one of the most common disease that affects foot and mouth area of a cow/buffalo.


1. High fever
2. Drooping of saliva
3. Wound around mouth and foot
4. Problem in walking


1. Cleaning of wound 
2. Use of various antiseptic (preventing the growth of disease-causing microorganisms) cream
3. Vaccination (Injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease)

Product Management

Cow and buffalo farming has turned into commercial entity where the main aim is to sell the dairy products and earn money. One can also prepare various milk products such as ghee, curd, cheese, etc and sell them directly to the consumer. One must ensure that milk and milk product are stored and preserved properly.

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