Grade 7 Alernative Energy

Gas Holder:
They are air-proof container that collects the gas generated. It is a place from where gas is delivered to stove.

Advantages of Biogas:
1. It is an environment friendly.
2. It utilizes the waste of home.
3. It doesn't produce smoke.
4. It is cheaper, durable and effective.
5. It improves environment sanitation.

Things to be considered:
1. Geographical condition and temperature should be considered.
2. Make sure organic matters are available.
3. mixing should be done properly.
4. Ensure that Pipes are in proper condition.
5. put away from the reach of children.

Wind Energy:
The process of generating electricity using wind is called wind energy. It works by converting kinetic energy into mechanical power. It is preferred especially in the hilly and mountain region.
The major components of wind energy are:
1. Blade or Rotor
2. Drive train
3. Pole

Advantages of wind energy:
1. It is an Eco-friendly.
2. It is reliable.
3. It is sustainable.
4. It is renewable.
5. It utilize the wind.

Things to be Considered:
1. The wind turbine can harm birds.
2. It can make noise pollution.
3. High wind can damage the turbine.
4. It is dangerous to stay near the turbine.
5. It occupies more land.

It is a block of compressed agriculture and forest waste that are flammable and can be used for fuel. It can be prepared through saw dust, wood chips, etc.

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