Grade 8 Different methods of vegetable farming

Vegetable Farming in Terrace:
It refers to the activities of growing vegetables in the roof or terrace of buildings. With the increasing urbanization, there is lack of free land. In this scenario, vegetable farming in terrace is more preferred and become alternative to kitchen garden.

1. It utilizes the space of terrace.
2. It can be great source of fresh vegetables.
3. It utilizes the degradable waste and water of house.
4. Money that spend on buying vegetables can be saved.
5. It aids to the cleanliness of home and surrounding.

1. First of all, decide the part of terrace to use as vegetable farming.
2. Cover that  area with thick plastic.
3. Fill the plastic with a mix of soil and organic manure.
4. Divide the area based on the types of vegetables to be grown.
5. Sow or transplant the seed of plant.
6. Do proper irrigation and remove the unnecessary weed.
7. Cover the area with white plastic.

Inter Cropping:

When two different types of vegetables are farmed in the same are at a same time it is called inter cropping. e.g.  growing carrot in empty space between the rows of cauliflower.
Major Factor to be Considered in Inter cropping:
1. Spatial Arrangement: It refers to arranging the proper space between vegetable plants.
2. Plant Density: It refers to decreasing vegetable seeding rate.
3. Maturity Date: It refers to planting vegetables with different maturity timing.
4. Plant Architecture: It is the method planting crop that helps to capture sunlight for those plants who can't capture sunlight.

1. It eliminates the weed.
2. It increases soil fertility.
3. maximum utilization of the land.
4. less input and effort in the care of vegetable plants.
5. it minimizes the problem of disease and pests in vegetables farming.

Seasonal and Off-Seasonal Vegetable Farming:

Seasonal Vegetable Farming: The vegetable farming as per the season is called seasonal vegetable farming.

Off-Seasonal Vegetable Farming: The vegetable farming before or after their season of farming is called Off-Seasonal Vegetable Farming.
Things to Consider in OSV:
1. Proper selection of seed and seedling.
2. Creation of favourable environment.
3. Proper irrigation system.
4. Proper use of manure.
5. Use of modern technologies.

 Methods of OSV Farming:
1. Use of different Agro-climatic condition
2. Adjustment in planting time
3. Use of improved varieties
4. Creation of controlled environment
5. Use of various chemicals

1. Use of different Agro-climatic condition:
It is the process of growing vegetables in another region like hilly area when it is off season in terai.

 2. Adjustment in planting time:
It is the process of sowing the vegetable seed either earlier or late than normal time in order to turn a seasonal vegetable into off seasonal vegetable.

3. Use of improved varieties:
It is the process of using improved species of vegetable developed by scientist to grow fast and adjust with climate.

4. Creation of controlled environment:
It is the process of making suitable environment to grow vegetables plant. some of the major process are:
Polythene House: It is the process of making house with cover of polythene where vegetables are grown. It is suitable during winter and rainy season when they can save from rain and cold.

Plastic Tunnel: It is the process of making tunnel of plastic sheet, bamboo, bar etc. It is transparent so vegetables can get proper sunshine, favourable temperature, protects from pest, rain, cold, frost etc. It is gaining popular because of low cost and easiness.

Permanent Green House:
Green house is a mechanism that creates a controlled environment where temperature, humidity, Co2, irrigation, sunshine etc. can be provided as per the requirement. It is quiet expensive and less affordable for a Nepalese farmer.

5. Use of various chemicals:
It is the process of using various chemical that helps to fast growth, early blossom and maturity of vegetables. It reduce the time of vegetable plant cycle.

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