Grade 7 Flower Farming

Flower farming in Vases and Plastic Bags:
This concept was introduced due to the lack of space in urban area. It is an easy and cheap way to farm flower. The major aspects of farming flower in Vases and Plastic Bags are:
1. Preparation of Vases and Plastics and selection of flower.
2. Selection of seeds or sapling.
3. Proper care of flowers
4. Plucking and storage of flower.

1. Preparation of Vases and Plastics and selection of flower:
It is the process of selecting vases and plastic bags as per the flower and its variety, season, blossoming, time and plant size.

Decoration from Flower:
Flowers are used to decorate room, houses, hotels, school, colleges, vehicles, etc. We can make garlands which is very important for social festival like Tihar. They are also used to make bouquets
which is known as symbol of best wishes.

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