Grade 8 Organic Vegetable Farming

Organic Vegetable Farming:  It refers to the production of vegetable without using any kind of Chemical and inorganic fertilizers. It is a system of using animal manure, crop residues, crop rotation and other biological methods.

Benefits of OVG:
1. It is the key to sustainable vegetable production.
2. It is beneficial to human health.
3. It tastes better.
4. It maintains the fertility of soil.
5. It is Eco-friendly.

Organic Vegetable Farming Principle:
Principle of Care: It should be managed in responsible manner.
Principle of Health: It Should sustain and enhance the health of vegetable plant, soil, human, etc.
Principle of Ecology: It should be based on balancing ecological system.
Principle of Fairness: It should develop the equality.

Organic Vegetable Production:
1. Make an organic land by removing synthesized input.
2. Managing the surrounding to ensure the sustainability of the system.
3. Using organic manure, crop residues, crop rotation.
4. maintaining livestock.

Distribution of Organic Vegetables:
The process of making organic vegetable available for use or consumption by consumer is called Distribution of organic vegetable. With the extreme difficult topology distribution become difficult, thus it is important to utilize the available resources in best possible way so that the harvested vegetable doesn't go waste. It is also necessary to keep accounting to analyze the cost and revenue.

Types of Cost in Organic Vegetable Farming:
1. Production Cost: It is the cost that is incurred in getting the required resources like seed, land etc.

2. Management Cost: It is the cost that is incurred for efficient management like employee salary, electricity, telephone charge ,etc.

3. Selling Cost: It is the cost that is incurred in the process of selling organic vegetable like packaging, distribution, advertisement etc.

Key Factors in Organic Vegetable Farming:
A successful organic vegetable depends on a well thought plan and its proper execution. Some key factors are:
1. Proper Site Selection: It includes:
Field topology
Soil type and quality
Vegetable and its variety selection.

2. Market Development: it includes:
Demand of vegetable
Distance between production area and market
Advanced technology

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