Grade 7 Agricultural Business and Collaboration

Agriculture Business and Collaboration
Agriculture Business:
       The business related to agricultural products is called agriculture business. Animal husbandry, vegetable and fruit farming, dairy etc are the businesses based on agriculture.
Agricultural Market is the place where agricultural products are traded.
Collaboration in agricultural business:
      Collaboration is the activities of working with someone to produce more and gain profit to agricultural products. For e.g. Collaboration of shopkeeper in vegetable mandis. The whole process of producing agricultural product to selling is easier when it is done in collaboration.

Importance of Co-operative organizations.
1.    Organization : It create organization among the members and meet regularly for their own interest.
2.    Financial Assistance: The member of this society maintains savings fund for their own and needs of other people at where the society can give loan and generating interest
3.    Employment: The members of this society gather and work for a goal or making product for sale.
4.    Political Decision: It makes pope to obey their rules made by themselves and it also affect towards the decision-making process in general election.
5.    Use of Human Resources: All members of family can be part of organization and contributes for development.
6.    Equal Share : All poor to rich members of organization are respected equally and have equal authority of money of organization.

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