Grade 7 Organic and Inorganic Manure

Every time plants are cultivated in soil, they absorb the nutrient component from soil which decreases soil fertility. Therefore, manure is used as nutrient provider to maintain the fertility of soil. so that it can help for proper growth of plants and crops. hence manure is the sources of nutrients that helps for fertilizing the land.

There are two types of manure. they are:
Organic manure
Inorganic manure.

Organic manure:
The manure that is prepared by dung of animal and decaying dead animals or plants are called organic manure. for e.g. dung of goat, fish dust, bone dust etc. hence, it is the natural and Eco-friendly of manure it is not harmful for soil as well as human beings.

Inorganic manure(Chemical manure) :
The manure that is prepared in factories through a chemical process that provide essential nutrients for plants are called Inorganic manure. when the organic manure is not enough, it is essential to fulfill nutrients requirement through inorganic manure.
Generally there are two types of chemical manure:
i. Singular chemical manure
ii. Mixed chemical manure.

Singular Chemical Manure:
The chemical manure that contains NPK is called singular chemical manure. where, N= Nitrogen, P= Phosphorus, K= Potassium

Mixed Chemical Manure:
The chemical manure that contains more than one elements is called mixed chemical manure. for e.g. complex salt, D.A.P. etc

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