Grade 8 Recipe


Recipe are the set of instruction that describe the way to prepare something, especially dish.
Recipes are important because they contain the necessary information to make a dish properly. As with any set of instructions, give you all of the information you need. There isn't always someone nearby who has that knowledge. Recipes can ensure standardization. If you eat a Burger in Kathmandu, fly to Pokhara and eat another one, they will be the same if they follow the same recipes. Recipes also help to control costs.

Recipe for Burger:                                                                Time required: 30 min.

Ingredients:                                                                           Serving: 5 burgers
Burger Buns
others are divided into parts:
1. Mayonnaise
2. Patties

1.      For Mayonnaise

6 Spoon Sugar
4 egg
1 spoon White pepper
1 liter oil

2.      For Patties

500 g ground chicken
½ piece of onion, Tomatoes, Cucumber and some salad
1 egg
1 garlic finely chopped
salt and black pepper, chili powder to taste
50 g Flour

Procedure for Patties:

1.      In a bowl, mix ground chicken, egg, onion, flour, garlic, salt, black pepper. Divide mixture into five equal portions and shape each into a round patty.
2.      Place patties on the oiled pan and turn the patties after red.
3.      Now patties are ready.

Procedure for Mayonnaise:

1.      In a mixture, mix eggs, sugar and white pepper and turn on the mixture.
2.       After about 40 sec slowly add oil from the top of the mixture bucket's hole. (do not turn off the machine while adding)
3.      Continue adding until it starts to thicken, spoonable and hard to soluble. .
4.      Now your Mayonnaise also ready.

Procedure for Final Burger:

1.      Take a Burger bread and split into two parts.
2.      Add mayonnaise on the inner surface of buns. (you can add any sauce as you like)
3.      Place the patties at the bottom side of lower bun and add finely sliced of onion, cucumber, tomato and some salad respectively.
4.      Cover with upper bone and your Chicken Burger is ready.

Recipe for Jam

Major Ingredients:
Fruit : They are the main  ingredients that provides flavor and color.
Sugar: It prevents the growth of micro-organisms.
Pectin: it is used as gelling agent.

Selection and preparation of fruit: It is the process of selecting fresh fruits and remove unnecessary parts of fruits.
Extraction of Pulp: Boiled the fruit on high heat until it is soft. make sure it is not overcooked.
Mix with Sugar and Pectin: Mix 10g of pectin and 800g to 1 kg of sugar in fruit pulp.
Judge End Point: It refers to the point that determines the readiness of jam. Common method to judge end point of jam are:
1. By examining weight
2. Sheet test
3. Use of Refractometer
Storing of Jam:
once the jam is ready, fill it hot in pre-sterilized bottle and seal the bottle.

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