grade 7 Seasonal vegetable farming in kitchen Garden

Define kitchen garden? what are the benefits of kitchen garden?
kitchen garden refers to the little piece of land around the home where vegetables are farmed. vegetable grown in the kitchen garden are mainly consumed by the family.
The benefits of kitchen garden are :
1. It is a great source of fresh vegetables.
2. It saves money.
3. wastes can be utilized in kitchen garden.
4. working in the garden keeps you fit.
5. it utilizes the spare land.

The Major aspects of seasonal vegetables farming in the kitchen garden:
1. weeding kitchen garden: weed rob water and other nutrients from vegetable plant, thus it is         important to remove all kind of weeds.
2. irrigation kitchen garden: in dry or winter season there is lack of proper rain water, thus it is important to provide proper amount of water to plants.
3. stalking vegetable : some vegetables need extra support to grow well, thus one can use ropes, stalks, pipe etc to grow tall and healthy plants.
4. preparation of shed: it is essential to protect vegetables from rain, hailstorm, frost, dew etc.
5. controlling of kitchen garden pests and diseases: pests and disease often destroy the vegetables, thus it is necessary to remove them.

Methods of storage:
1. use of chemical: Fungicide, ethylene, absorbent etc are used to store vegetables for a longer period.
2. Use of packaging materials: materials like straw, dry leaves, corn  stalk, hay etc can be used to store vegetables for a longer period.
3. Refrigerator storage: this is the method of storing vegetables in the freezing point temperature.
4. storage in container: some vegetables can be stored for a longer period by keeping them in an air-tight container.
5. storage of vegetables after drying: some vegetables are preserved for the longer duration by changing its form like dried and store.

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