Grade 7. Preparation of compost manure

Preparation of compost manure

Compost manure: Compost manure is a mixture of decayed organic material used as a fertilizer for growing plants. It is the important supplement that one can give to soil. It can be prepared at our home through specific process.

The major benefits/advantages of composting manure are enlisted below:
1.       It produces organism that benefits the soil.
2.       It adds nutrients to plant and crops.
3.       It helps to retain moisture in the soil.
4.       It utilizes the kitchen and other types of household wastage.
5.       It is a natural alternative to chemical fertilizers.

There are two types of compost manure preparation process:
1.       Compost manure preparation using utensils at home.
2.       Compost manure preparation in kitchen garden.

1.       Compost manure preparation using utensils at home.
i.                    Collect enough compost materials like kitchen waste, leaves, grasses.
ii.                  Put it in the bin and leave it for composting. (plastic drum, oil drum, water tank)
iii.                Around the between of 3 months to 1 year, compost manure will be ready.

2.       Compost manure preparation in kitchen garden.
There are two major methods of composting manure preparation in kitchen garden. They are:
a.       Stock method:
i.                    Prepare a heap à¤¥ुप्रो of crop root, stem, leaves, weeds.
ii.                  Above it put dung, water, salt, lime.
iii.                Again put heap of compost material above it.
iv.                 After a certain period of time it is turned into compost manure.

b.       Pit method:
i.                    Dig a pit of around 1m depth, 3m length and 1.5m breadth.
ii.                  Put compost materials, dung, weed, ashes, urine, etc.
iii.                Put salt and lime also.
iv.                 Around the between of 2.5 to 4 months, compost manure will be ready.

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